Accessibility Checklist

Increase student success by implementing UDL in your class. Some suggestions below.

  • Use the Blackboard shell to publish class notes

  • Provide electronic handouts ahead of class

  • Utilize electronic versions of texts

  • Share this welcoming statement in your course outline:

    This class is designed to meet the diverse needs of ALL learners. I am happy to discuss alternate assignments if they satisfy the core course competencies. However, if you feel that you require modifications, please see below:

    Mercer County Community College is in compliance with both the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. If you have, or believe you have, a differing ability that is protected under the law please see Arlene Stinson in LB 217(609-570-3525 for information.

  • Use multiple measure to assess students

  • Encourage student use of technology in the classroom

  • Use Blackboard proactively and creatively

  • Alternate learning activities

  • Welcome student input

  • Reward student engagement

All of these ideas might not be appropriate for your learning environment, but you might discover some that work for you. If you are curious and want to learn more, please see our UDL Accessibility Resource sheet. We are always excited to share ideas with you. Please feel free to reach out to chat.

Arlene Stinson