See the descriptions for each training in the sections below, and register for training by clicking here.
MO-101/102: Introduction to Blackboard
A one-week online training provides the technology skills necessary for faculty who want to have a Blackboard add-on for a face-to-face course or who want to teach a previously designed Master course. Faculty who want to have a Blackboard add-on for a face-to-face course must complete the MO 101/102 training or demonstrate prior, comparable training and experience at a peer institution. (Online training will be offered two weeks prior to the start of the semester and then periodically over the course of the semester.)
MO 101/102 online training is open for one week. On the first day of training, MercerOnline offers a one-hour face-to-face training orientation and an online synchronous orientation.
MO-103: Blackboard Grade Center Training
In the Grade Center, faculty can manage students’ grades for assignments, tests, discussion posts, journals, blogs, and wikis, and for ungraded items, such as surveys or self-tests. Faculty can also create grade columns for any activities or requirements faculty want to grade, such as special projects, participation, or attendance. This one-hour face-to-face training will help faculty get started with Grade Center. In order to register for this training faculty must have completed MO 101/102 and have grading plan(s) for the course(s) that they will use in Blackboard Grade Center.
MO-104: Introduction to the Cloud
During this session, pariticpants will learn about the agility of the cloud, security recommendations and cloud usage best practices. This one-hour face-to-face training will orient faculty on how to start using the cloud for any teaching mode – online, hybrid, or face-to-face.
MO-105: Introduction to Video Conferencing
A one-hour face-to-face training that will introduce faculty to video conferencing. Video conferencing tools allow faculty to quickly set-up video conferences with their students for meetings and synchronous learning sessions.
MO-201: Advanced Bb: Designing and Developing An Online Course
A three–part course that helps faculty members to develop a framework for best practices and strategies for engaging, instructing, supporting, and communicating with students in the online environment. (Note: It is recommended that faculty teach the course face-to-face at Mercer at least once prior to teaching it online.) (Offered once per semester depending on demand.)
MO-210: Advanced Bb: Designing and Developing A Hybrid Course
A "hybrid" learning environment presents considerations, instructional strategies, and design principles that are different from teaching a traditional face-to-face or fully online course. In this course, those who are experienced in teaching online at Mercer County Community College will explore designing and developing a hybrid course. This course is delivered in a “hybrid” format, so the course structure, activities, and assignments model a hybrid learning environment in Blackboard. Participants design and create course material for a new hybrid course they have previously taught fully online (or face-to-face). (Offered once per semester depending on demand)