Blackboard Ultra Navigation
What is the Ultra Base Navigation?
It is a modern, intuitive navigation menu that lives outside of courses. It includes links to new pages such as the Activity Stream, Calendar, Messages, etc. providing quick access to the most critical information consolidated from all your courses. Part of Phase One and implemented TBD.
What does this mean for me?
Courses will not change. They look and operate exactly as now
- Starting Summer 2022, you will see the new navigation as soon as you log into Learn.
How will this enhance your efficiency and experience?
- Modern, intuitive user experience. You and your students are going to enjoy this simple, intuitive, engaging user experience.
- Works well on mobile devices. This navigation is designed to work well regardless of which device you’re using.
- Aggregates important information. All your course and organization information – like calendar, messages and grades – is now consolidated into one global view, minimizing the time spent navigating into each individual course.
Where can I find more information?