Training Options
The new Blackboard Ultra user interface is now LIVE.
Two training opportunities are provided offering different levels of information.
ULTRA Training Opportunities
Online – Self Paced Training:
- This training directly from Anthology/Blackboard provides a more in-depth immersion in Ultra. There are three sections we ask all faculty to complete:
- Getting Started with Ultra
- Building Courses
- Assessing Learners
- These three sessions take up to an hour each.
- Two additional sections we strongly recommend completing:
- Enhancing Communication
- Evaluating Your Course
- Both are important, and we recommend completing them.
Online Training Directions:
- Go to Bb Academy site: Blackboard Academy.
- On the Refine your search field type: Learn Teaching Essentials for Ultra.
- Click on the course and select Enroll Now.
- When prompted select the option Sign Up.
MO-101 Online Course
Our asynchronous course, MO101: Blackboard ULTRA Basics for Instructors has been revised to provide a comprehensive overview of the essential features and functionalities of Blackboard Ultra courses.
All instructors have access to the MO101 course. You will locate the course in the courses section under "courses I attend". If you do not have access, please contact MercerOnline at merceronline@mccc.edu for assistance.