
How to change automatic zeros

 Automatic zeros is a setting that automatically assigns a grade of zero to any assignment or assessment that is past its due date and has not been submitted. So, if a student misses a deadline, Blackboard will automatically enter a zero in the gradebook for that item. This feature is enabled by default in Ultra courses.

To fix or disable automatic zeros in Blackboard Ultra, you must adjust the Gradebook settings to turn off the "Assign automatic zeros for past due work" option.  The instructor must click on the tab 'Gradable Items' to identify assignments or columns with old due dates and update them for the current term.

Steps to disable automatic zeros:

  1. Open your Blackboard Ultra course and go to the Gradebook.
  2. In the Gradebook, locate the gear icon (Settings) in the upper right-hand corner and click it.
  3. Locate Automatic Zeros: Scroll down the Gradebook Settings panel until you find the "Automatic Zeros" section.
  4. Disable Automatic Zeros: Deselect the checkbox next to "Assign automatic zeros for past due work."
  5. Choose to Keep or Clear Existing Zeros: A pop-up window will appear asking you to choose whether to "Keep existing automatic zeros" or "Clear existing automatic zeros."
    1. Keep existing automatic zeros: This will leave any automatic zeros that were previously assigned in place.
    2. Clear existing automatic zeros: This will remove all existing automatic zeros from the gradebook.
  6. Confirm Your Selection: Click "Confirm" to save your changes and disable automatic zeros.

 Please note: If this feature is disabled, the instructor will need to manually enter a grade of zero for students that have not completed the assignment for the gradebook to calculate properly.