
How To Create a test

View this short video on creating tests:

To create a test in your course, complete these steps:

First, select the plus sign in the circle to create a test.


Next, select Test under Assessment.


Add the following information:


  1. Type in the title of the test.
  2. Select the drop down to make if visible to students, hidden from students, and release conditions.
  3. Select the gear icon to change test settings. Or, select the blue link to change settings to Due date, Grade category Grading, Attempts allowed, Originality Report.
  4. Select the plus sign in the circle to add the following:

    Question pool
    Calculated formula question
    Calculated numeric question
    Essay question
    Fill in the blank question
    Hotspot question
    Matching question
    Multiple choice question
    True/False question
    Reuse questions
    Local File
    Page Break

  5. Select the check arrow to allow students to add content at the end of the assessment.


  1. Select Extra Credit for extra credit. Or, select points to edit points per question.
  2. Type in the question.
  3. Type in the answers and select the correct answer.
  4. Select for Automated Feedback.
  5. Select Save when finished.